
گاه نوشت های یک نویسنده

__PARNIAN __ دوشنبه ۱۴ بهمن ۹۸ Sometimes, you can't look at their faces anymore... That lovely face, that smile wich you've known it for many years, becomes ugl...

بازدید : 265
يکشنبه 3 اسفند 1398 زمان : 19:44
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گاه نوشت های یک نویسنده

گاه نوشت های یک نویسنده

Sometimes, you can't look at their faces anymore...

That lovely face, that smile wich you've known it for many years, becomes ugly. You can't look at that anymore.

Sometimes, you just wanna sit down, hug somebody, start crying, and talk and talk... .

He or she just listens, in the end, just smiles and says it's gonna be finish oneday.


They, soon or late, will show who they really are.

And you can't look at that lovely face anymore.

You can't understand.you can't accept. You scare. Not because of what they say. Because of being friend to that guy for many years.

Sometimes, all the people, become haters. You just wanna talk to your dearest one. But sadly you forgot that she went your hater from now on.

And at that time, you sit, hug your teddy bear and start talking...

You realize that you MUST tell all you have in your heart and mind to your teddybear from now on

And yes. My Teddybear became my dearest one from now on.

You'll see me even stronger and happier from now on.

I'm gonna prove it.

+می‌دانم که این را میبینی. و چون نمی‌توانی بخوانیش توی گوگل ترنسلیت می‌زنی. گوگل ترنسلیت هم بدترین ترجمه‌ی ممکن مثل همان گو ددی دستت می‌دهد. اما نمی‌توانستم احساساتم را به فارسی بیان کنم. شاید برایت نامه‌‌‌ای بنویسم.

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